
我们员工的健康和福祉对于一个充分参与和相互联系的繁荣社区至关重要. Great universities are built upon a foundation of academic and operational excellence. The Roger Williams community will be distinguished by a commitment to excellence, 完整性, 股本, 协作, and belonging for our faculty and staff. 通过培养更深层次的共同使命感和自豪感,RWU将吸引和留住人才, 多元化的劳动力将提供高质量的教育经验,我们的学生应得的.


RWU必须招聘, 开发, 并保留世界一流的教职员工,他们共同努力,在一个支持所有社区成员福祉的环境中实现更大的利益. RWU将成为拥有该机构雄心勃勃的多样性的人才的首选雇主, 股本 and 包容 goals and objectives. And we will ensure all new employees are welcomed, 训练有素的, and feel a sense of belonging from day one.

Professional Growth and Development

For every employee to reach their highest potential, 它需要在专业发展和持续培训上进行投资,以磨练才能和技能. We are committed to making employees feel like they belong, 是有价值的, 在个人和职业目标一致的环境中,他们可以在自己的角色和职业道路上成长. RWU must provide the resources, 指导, and 培训 to help nurture success and guide skill and career 开发ment. 主管和经理将参加领导力发展培训,以领导高生产力和满意的团队,并为他们提供茁壮成长所需的工具和环境.


RWU以我们对学生的承诺和我们提供的个性化环境而闻名:从教学到学生研究,再到体育和学术支持, we go the extra mile for our students. There are many small but impactful actions that many employees instinctively take every day, many that go unseen or unnoticed. Creating a more formalized culture of appreciation, 赞誉, 和奖励, is essential to an employee’s growth and satisfaction. We will revamp and revitalize how we recognize contributions, not just from direct supervisors but also from senior leadership of the university.

Vibrant Places and Spaces

The physical settings we navigate affect us in positive ways; space can inspire, 安慰, 欢迎我们. Conversely, spaces can be a barrier, affecting how we learn, work, and interact. 我们特别欣赏校园空间和设计必须创造归属感的作用, 包容, 和安慰. As RWU has grown over the years, 现在是时候考虑我们的整个主空间足迹,重新开发我们的社区成员需要成功和繁荣的地方和空间. 我们将更新我们的校园总体规划,修改我们的基于地点的战略,成为一个充满活力的全年社区,满足我们社区所有工作和学习的需求.

Select 2021-2022 Initiatives

  • 通过认可我们对所有员工在个人和职业生活中发展的承诺,成为一个繁荣的教职员工社区
  • 驾驶新飞机, comprehensive institutional onboarding program with a launch in January 2022 for all new hires 
  • Expand internal and external professional 开发ment, 培训, and other talent 开发ment opportunities
  • 建立一种以数据为基础的文化,以改善决策和衡量校园努力和倡议的进展
  • 改善校园内的共享管理,包括与教职员、参议院和行政部门建立更多的合作关系
  • 在我们的旗舰项目和卓越领域提高大学的声誉和认知度, 区域, nationally and internationally 
  • Improve organizational and institutional communications, 包括更好地利用电子邮件发送和列表服务,采用更具包容性的会议结构 
  • 成立空间委员会,检讨及修订课程时间表的制定程序, room utilization processes, centralized process for the allocation of space; and design of spaces that facilitate 协作 across disciplines, hands-on and active-learning pedagogies
  • 投资并继续使用技术来增强远程工作能力,增加整个大学和校友之间的联系和参与度


如果不首先确保那些为学生服务的人感到受到重视和支持,我们就无法为学生的成功奠定坚实的基础. As a community of life-long learners, RWU管理员, faculty and staff must make a collective commitment to strengthen our intercultural fluency. Our leadership practices, 机构决策和课堂政策必须反映出我们对创造一种机构文化归属感的承诺.

同时,我们将提供持续的专业发展,以提高员工的技能和能力,从而实现职业发展, we also commit to offering 培训 in equitable and inclusive practices, including implicit bias and inclusive classroom practices, that will help bring social justice to our classrooms, 办公室, student recruiting and employee hiring. 我们也致力于开发一个包容性的校园空间设计,为我们的员工和学生创造一种归属感和舒适的氛围.


调查和研究必须帮助我们了解提高员工敬业度的因素和影响,使RWU成为该地区最好的工作场所之一. 推动文化变革, RWU将在2021年秋季重新管理我们的教职员工校园气候调查(上次在2016年秋季完成). In Spring 2022, we will participate in the ModernThink Higher Education Insight Survey's Great 大学 to Work For survey. This survey will capture faculty and staff satisfaction across themes, including Collaboration; Communication; Confidence in Senior Leadership; Diversity, 包容 & Belonging; 教师 & 工作人员 Well-being; Mission & Pride; and Performance Management. 调查结果将在一个社区论坛上分享,并帮助制定2022-2023年员工行动的优先事项.